Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Throughout the course of this school year, your child will be utilizing various technology tools to enhance his/her learning experience in the classroom. The following is a technology agreement that covers specific terms of technology use to be followed at all times, beyond the Acceptable Use Policy that is stipulated in your “Survival Handbook”.
Ziyad Awad
Purpose Statement
This school year, your child will have access to the following technology equipment:
- Access to Google Drive, Docs, Slides and other Google Apps
- Access to the Internet
- Access to interact with other classmates
- Access to all classwork at school and at home
The use of these technology tools allows teachers to expand instructional methods and enhance instructional delivery, enrich student performance, and increase student engagement. Internet access is available to all students and teachers, offering a wide variety of educational opportunities. The school is in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act and has installed technology protection measures for all chromebooks in the school that block and/or filter content.
Students will be educated throughout the school year on appropriate online behaviors, including how to properly access materials and how to interact with others accordingly.
Should a student be found to have violated the terms of use or to have utilized technology improperly in any way, consequences may be applied. As with our typical discipline procedures, all infractions will be handled individually and the application of consequences will be determined by the teacher and/or school counselor/principal. Consequences may include, but are not limited to:
- conversations with teacher/principal
- conferences with parents
- loss of computer privileges
- reimbursement to the district for materials lost/damaged

Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 3:30 PM
8:00 PM – 2:15 PM
1810 25th Court Birmingham
AL 35209
Contact Us
(205) 870 – 0422