(205) 870 0422 iaaschool@iaaschool.net


At IAA, our Preschool is designed to give our students a strong foundation for the elementary years. Students are introduced to math and literacy concepts including counting and letter recognition, motor skills development, social skills development and school readiness skills. Our Preschoolers currently use  Reading Street Pre-K Curriculum which is a scientifically research- based program which supports state standards in literacy, science, mathematics, social studies, art, and music.

By the end of the academic school year your child will acquire age appropriate understanding and usage in the following core content areas:

Objectives/ Alabama State Standards


  • Students will exhibit letter and print recognition.
  • Students will improve oral language and vocabulary skills by actively participating in finger plays, songs, and storytelling.
  • Students will be able to classify and sequence events.

Numbers and Number Sense

  • Students will recognize numbers from 1-10
  • Students will count objects from 1-10


Students will learn about the following concepts:

  • People
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Water
  • Air
  • Light

Movement and Coordination

 Students will have improved gross and fine motor skills

Social Skills

  • Students will be able to work in a groups of varying sizes.
  • Students will have improved conversation and communication skills.
  • Student will be able to follow simple directions and routines.